
The Nacreous Oughts

26 September 2006

   Not Xena But Eris

A: battle of the lips
are leaving for her
books on an
orient shower   Of spice and I tried composing >
the world of lengthier shades along the
goldhides in from
its immense
face cannot find the computer lab at heart
I cry for
every predator in a bat looking for all my
corner Smith Medie
val Cats.
Tornado Ove
r LeCandle in #Garland in the
spousal deep&>
nbsp Murmurs
his limits as the youth
throughout autopsy all twinkling
history silkworm affadavit · patchouli avowal without
utmost · portal into ogham
mists &#adorn · pools · forlorn Angkor swimming rat ·
again ago
syzygy · sunlight usurp ...the
single highlight of other >
eminent film industry professionals attracts
much media attention.  All with flashing sword, but
your lips
are leaving for Adelle
Davis who all should seek Hold our
humble floor.Our island shore They sound
much media attention.  

K. S.

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